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エアーワールド株式会社 パラオ

The fact that JAPAN have four distinct seasons and very unique covering several climatic zones and offer certain seasonal treats from south to north with their own local twist respectively.

エアーワールド株式会社 パラオ

SPRING -Mar. Apr. May.

Various flowers bloom and beautiful fresh green leaves appear in spring.
“SAKURA” / Cherry Blossom's bloom begins from a southern district and moves to a north district.
“HANAMI” / Flower viewing is traditionally very popular in appreciation of the beauty in nature and feeling the sense of delicacy of sprinkled pink flower, sing karaoke, dance and drink.

SUMMER -Jun. July Aug.

A summer bargain will start from June. Exotic temperature resembling tropical climate during August.
The beautiful green view of a mountain, HANABI TAIKAI (fireworks display) and a lot of MATSURI(festivals) is the main event Many people flock in their thousands to find pleasure at beaches and seashore for swimming, marine sports, Bar-B-Q. and enjoyably leisure activity.

AUTUMN -Sept. Oct. Nov.

It is a season for a picnic in fresh climate in autumn.
As the weather cools, the leaves begin to change color leaving the landscape in palette of red,brown,orange,yellow and green.The KOYO(red leaves) of the late autumn are a breathtaking sight especially surrounding the temple in Kyoto and other places.
Autumnal leaves begin from a north district and move to a southern district.

WINTER -Dec. Jan. Feb.

The snow-covered mountains have wonderful scenery in winter. Eagerly awaited by skiers and snowboarders who fill most popular resort for this sports. There are many skiing areas which beginners and expert can enjoy and parading the latest fashion on the slope.